Welcome to Resistance Climbing! We're stoked you've come to enjoy the fun, freedom and fitness on offer from indoor rock climbing! Our well-trained staff are passionate about climbing and are excited to help make your experience a great one. We've provided a high-quality facility with a strong focus on safety, but like all physical activities, there are risks associated with bouldering and the use of this facility. Please read this safety waiver carefully before using the climbing walls or equipment.

Activity Risks

The risks include but are not limited to:

  • Falling to the ground or onto others

  • Being fallen on by other users

  • Sports injury and over-exertion

  • Injury through improper use of equipment.

  • Equipment failure

  • Other users not following the conditions of use

  • Abrasions from holds, walls, or the floor

  • Bruising, joint injuries, broken bones, head knocks from falls

The risks of participating in bouldering and related activities may result in serious neck and spinal injuries which may result in paralysis, serious injury or impairment to other aspects of the body or even death.

Age Restrictions

To ensure we provide a safe space for everyone, we have to set some rules for younger climbers.

  • The minimum age to climb at our gym is 5 years-old. Under 5's who visit the gym must be supervised at all times (within arm's reach).

  • Under-13's require adult supervision (1 adult: 3 climbers).

  • If you're under 16, a parent (or guardian) will need to sign your waiver (this must be signed at reception).

Conditions of Use:


  • All customers and visitors must check in at reception on arrival.

  • Be respectful of other people and their belongings and take care of our awesome facility.

  • Access to the back of any climbing wall is not permitted, except to use the fire escape during a fire or equivalent emergency.

  • Participation in or supervision of any climbing or related activities whilst under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other substances is strictly prohibited.

  • If you are injured or witness an injury or unsafe or inappropriate behaviour please inform staff immediately.

  • The premises is under video surveillance at all times. If you are seen exhibiting inappropriate or unsafe behaviour or breaking any of the rules of Resistance Climbing you will be asked to leave the building, may forfeit your membership and/or be banned from the facility.


All first time or inexperienced climbers will be required to complete a safety induction with a staff member prior to climbing.

  • All experienced climbers will be asked a short series of questions to demonstrate competence.

  • Under-13s must be supervised by an admit who is experienced, or a member, or has completed an induction. This means child and adult being on the matted area together within clear sight of one another. An adult may supervise up to three children.

  • Mats do not guarantee safety, the safest descent method is down climbing.

  • Any fall may cause injury to yourself or others, please exercise caution at all times.

  • Keep the fall zone clear. Be aware of other climbers, and do not go underneath or over another climber.

  • You are NOT permitted on top or over the back of the walls, or to access the mezzanine floor by climbing over the top of the wall (no top-outs).

  • Inform a staff member if any holds spin or break.

  • Clean enclosed shoes are to be worn while climbing.

  • Food and drink are not permitted on the climbing mats

  • Please keep personal belongings off the mats. Cubbies and lockers are provided.

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